Cheap But Marketing

Ever since services have become a business people started looking for new ways to market their products. They exploited every opportunity to penetrate to the society with whatever means. They could use human emotions, fear, inabilities and even insecurities. The only thing these brands want is their brand name is projected high in the market and their products sells. We have tons of examples in the past where brands used racist remarks and geographical differences to market their products. No matter what they only want their name to be in the market.

The latest among this is the new Dove campaigns.

The ad is out and people reacted to it. They removed the ad and apologised for the same. We all know the story. The matter is now closed.

But the reality is that Dove already knew that is going to be an issue. By making controversy like this the Name of the brand will be again in highlights for some time. This is a cheap marketing technique but as for Dove it is succeeding.

They already did the same in 2011 and then also it came out a big controversy. A simple sorry settled that matter then also.

There should be strict law to protect people from these types of cheap marketing ideas. Otherwise companies will keep on making money by humiliating people and paly with their insecurities and fear.